Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Image result for dubaiImage result for dubai
My First stop would be at Dubai. i would go here first because it seems like a really nice place to go to, it has nice views and nice buildings all around. Although its very expensive, i would be worth the cost. It would be nice to meet and interact with another race. There's many adventures out there.
Id rather be a regular person traveling the world than a celebrity traveling the world because i wouldn't want my personal business out there. I wouldn't mind not being able to go to big places, there is other places to go to. i would rather just pay for anything.

UNIT 3 Reflection

  A potential energy is when energy is stored and kinetic energy is an expression of the fact that a moving object can do work on anything it hits; it quantifies the amount of work the object could do as a result of its motion. my work this week reveals that i am a leader because i have been trying my best to complete all my work and understand what we are learning in class. my work in class is good but something i want to fix in the future is find new ways to study.